Flatbed inkjets

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Hi, anybody know of a flatbed inkjet printer? Even an older model
would be good or even one that can be modified to print with a strait
paper path, I want to use it to print on flat plastic sheets (the
sheets can curl slightly but not alot I can almost feed it thru a z22)
Hi, anybody know of a flatbed inkjet printer? Even an older model
would be good or even one that can be modified to print with a strait
paper path, I want to use it to print on flat plastic sheets (the
sheets can curl slightly but not alot I can almost feed it thru a z22)

I have a Canon MP780 that might meet your criteria. It has a scanner
the is both sheet fed and functions as a flat bed. It has two paper
feeds. One is the typical cassette under the printer but the second is
a straight feed in the rear of the printer like you mention. The paper
basically passes straight through the unit and out the other side.
Hi, anybody know of a flatbed inkjet printer? Even an older model
would be good or even one that can be modified to print with a strait
paper path, I want to use it to print on flat plastic sheets (the
sheets can curl slightly but not alot I can almost feed it thru a z22)

The Deskjet 1220 has a rear slot to feed heavy material straight through.

Bob Headrick, MS MVP Printing/Imaging
Hi, anybody know of a flatbed inkjet printer? ... I want to use it to
print on flat plastic sheets...

The Epson 2100 is one but there are others. However, their mechanisms
weren't designed to work with anything but paper/card (of fairly modest
thickness) so you may have problems feeding plastic sheets through them
and the inks are unlikely to be suitable for printing on plastic.

Inkjet ink does work fairly well on polystyrene plasticard, I did get
one sheet to pass thru with my z22 but it wouldent feed well with the
curvature. You do have to let it dry quite a bit. The sheets are .020
inch which is comparabe with heavy card so I am hopefull. Im leaning
toward the Deskjet 1220 as its fairly inexpensive and its 11x17.
Inkjet ink does work fairly well on polystyrene plasticard, I did get
one sheet to pass thru with my z22 but it wouldent feed well with the
curvature. You do have to let it dry quite a bit. The sheets are .020
inch which is comparabe with heavy card so I am hopefull. Im leaning
toward the Deskjet 1220 as its fairly inexpensive and its 11x17.


I have the Epson Stylus Photo 2000 printer. It has a little less
curvature than another printer, possibly because of its design to
accomodate larger sheets of paper. It also has a lever to set for thicker

The trouble is that ink doesn't dry fast enough on some materials. For
example, I tried printing some clear plastic window decals. The rollers
that pull the material out of the printer would track in the wet ink and
draw lines on the plastic.

I successfully printed on white plastic bumper-sticker material, so it
doesn't have the problem with all plastic materials. You need to find a
demo printer and try some of your plasticard in the store. If they have
it set up to print a demo page, that should work to determine if smearing
or tracking will occur. Otherwise you may need to carry a laptop with you
and use that to generate typical output.
