Chip Pearson : Playing WAV Files From VBA
A the top of a module outside of any procedures, place the following
Declare Function sndPlaySound32 Lib "winmm.dll" Alias _
"sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, _
ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long
Then, to call the function, passing it the name of the WAV file you
want to play:
Call sndPlaySound32("c:\test\MySound.WAV", 0)
Just some background references on using events :
David McRitchie
Chip Pearson
Right click the sheet that contains the cell that changes. Select
'View Code'. Place the following code in the sheet's module. Adjust
the references as needed.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
If Target = Range("A1") Then
If Target.Value > 20 Then _
Call sndPlaySound32("c:\test\MySound.WAV", 0)
End If
End Sub