Flashing cell or row when condition is met,



I need your help. I know you can help me with this-very smart. Ok, here is
the table:

Col: A B C D E
1 12 11 12 13
2 14 15 16 17
33 70 18 19 20

Let's see, whenever I type a number 1 in the G1, I like to see A1:E1
flashing (either text or background), or type #33 in G1, the whole row of
A33:E33 flash. In other words, whenever, the integer number in G1 matches
with any number in col A, the whole row is flahing for that match number in
col. A. I hope you get my question. Your help is greatly appreciated.


It's possible to do this using VB code but it really isn't advisable, its
not like the built in function in Word. If you really want to do it, do a
Google search for 'Flashing' in Excel Programming or similar and the code is
there to be found.
However the downside is that it doesn't flash very well, it's erratic, the
screen also is erratic and it takes over the processor while its doing so,
so nothing else can be done until its stopped.
My advice is don't !


A highlighting option would be conditional formating.
try a formula is =IF(COUNTIF(A:A,A1)>1,TRUE,FALSE)
copy down and set your format.

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