flash works in one account not others

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Sorry about another flash question as i can see there are many but i didnt
find one with exactly the same problem so...flash player 9 works fine in
adminstrative account but other users cannot view you tube videos or even
second web pages, flash add on not showing up in those accounts, shouldnt
flash player be in all accounts if it was downloaded successfully in one? i
tried downloading it from those standard accounts but nothing at all happens
even after i turned off all securty features! What am i missing?BTW i have
vista home basic.
Right click on Flash, select Properties, Security, then grant all Users Full
Control. Under Sharing, share Flash with all Users.
thanks for replying uvbogden, the only place i can find flash is in the
manage add-ons and when i right click nothing happens, can you give more
detail? sorry but as you can tell im not experienced.
A Search will show that you have many instances of Flash Player on your disk
drive. You want to make the Flash Player on the User Account where it works
available to other Users. Click on My Computer, OS (C) drive, Users, then
right click on the Username where Flash Player works and select Properties.
Select the Sharing tab, click Advanced Sharing, then check Share This Folder.
Then select the Security tab and take Ownership of the folder and grant Full
Control or Read & Execute permissions (to each User you want to be able to
use Flash) as outlined in Method Two of the following tutorial:


Let me know if this helps. Good luck!
THANK-YOU soo much uvbogden, yes it worked, im sorry it took so long to let
you know but it took me a few days to work through it simply because im still
learning and thanks to people like you im learning quite a bit .I did as you
said in your post and took ownership of all accounts i wanted to have flash
work and who would of known that i as administrator that doessnt mean you
completely control all accounts or files? thanks again!