Flash Player Problem for Non-Administrator Accounts

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I am using Windows XP Professional, SP2, IE6.
I have Google Toolbar, Zone Alarm, Pop-up Blocker installed.
I use Avast Anti-virus.

My problem is, while I have the latest Flash Player installed and working
when I log in, for any other users of my PC, all of whom are Limited or Power
Users, everytime they go to a site needing the Flash player, they are asked
to install it. Even if they try to install it, it does not work. Any ideas. I
feel it is a setting somewhere, but I do not know where to look.

I mainly need to sort this for when my 5 year old grand-daughter is
visiting. She loves playing the Nick Junior games and I have to let her use
my account to do so.
Hi PA Bear.
I disabled Zone Alarm (I use the free version) and restarted the PC. I
turned on Windows Firewall.
Flash is still not working for the non-administrator accounts.
Richard said:
I am using Windows XP Professional, SP2, IE6.
I have Google Toolbar, Zone Alarm, Pop-up Blocker installed.
I use Avast Anti-virus.

My problem is, while I have the latest Flash Player installed and working
when I log in, for any other users of my PC, all of whom are Limited or
Power Users, everytime they go to a site needing the Flash player, they
are asked to install it. Even if they try to install it, it does not
work. Any ideas. I feel it is a setting somewhere, but I do not know
where to look.

I mainly need to sort this for when my 5 year old grand-daughter is
visiting. She loves playing the Nick Junior games and I have to let her
use my account to do so.

Flash Player version, Richard?
"Problems running Flash Player ActiveX control after installation
when logged in as Restricted User on Windows".

Vincenzo Di Russo
Microsoft® MVP - Most Valuable Professional
Windows - Internet Explorer since 2003
My home:
My Blog: http://blogs.dotnethell.it/vincent/
Hi Vincenzo,

I am using version
I tried the steps in that article anyway, still with no satisfaction. The
non-administrator accounts cannot play flash. The sites will ask that it be
installed, but even after trying to install it, flash does not play.
Richard said:
Hi Vincenzo,

I am using version
I tried the steps in that article anyway, still with no satisfaction. The
non-administrator accounts cannot play flash. The sites will ask that it
be installed, but even after trying to install it, flash does not play.

Try this: http://docxp.mvps.org/b1n/FlashRepair.exe

If still no joy, try uninstalling Macromedia Flash Player with Adobe Flash
Player Uninstaller:
"How to uninstall the Adobe Flash Player plug-in and ActiveX control".
And then reinstall it.

"Common Adobe Flash Player install issues ".
"Trouble with Windows installation".
"Contact Adobe support".

Vincenzo Di Russo
Microsoft® MVP - Most Valuable Professional
Windows - Internet Explorer since 2003
My Blog: http://blogs.dotnethell.it/vincent/
My Home:

I have tried all of those, with no luck.
I will try contacting adobe support and see if I can get any help there
Regards, Richard

Disabling or uninstalling ZA doesn't affect the Registry changes made by
ZA's protections, Richard.
Richard said:

I have tried all of those, with no luck.
I will try contacting adobe support and see if I can get any help there

Please, keep us update, Richard. Thank you.

Vincenzo Di Russo
Microsoft® MVP - Most Valuable Professional
Windows - Internet Explorer since 2003
My home:
My Blog: http://blogs.dotnethell.it/vincent/
I have had no assistance from Adobe.
I have completely removed Flash Player, Created a System Restore Point, used
RegistryFix to clean the registry, and rebooted the computer.
I have removed Zone Alarm Free

I re-installed Flash Player The problem stil exists. As
Administrator, I can run Flash content on any site. Limited users cannot.
Thye still get promoted to install Flash, but after and apparent successful
install, Flash content still does not work.
I even changed one the the other account types to Administrator and tried to
install Flash again, but even that did not work. It seems I am the only user
who can play Flash content.
Richard said:
I have had no assistance from Adobe.
I have completely removed Flash Player, Created a System Restore Point,
used RegistryFix to clean the registry, and rebooted the computer.
I have removed Zone Alarm Free

I re-installed Flash Player The problem stil exists. As
Administrator, I can run Flash content on any site. Limited users cannot.
Thye still get promoted to install Flash, but after and apparent
successful install, Flash content still does not work.
I even changed one the the other account types to Administrator and tried
to install Flash again, but even that did not work. It seems I am the
only user who can play Flash content.

Very sorry, Richard, I'm out of ideas.

Vincenzo Di Russo
Microsoft® MVP - Most Valuable Professional
Windows - Internet Explorer since 2003
My home:
My Blog: http://blogs.dotnethell.it/vincent/
I re-installed Flash Player The problem still exists.
As Administrator, I can run Flash content on any site. Limited users cannot.

It seems there may be a compatibility issue with that version of the player.
(at least for IE7rc1 users.)


The highest level your granddaughter's site mentions is Flash 7.


So perhaps you could uninstall the one you have and download
and install an old one.


Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle
See these sections -

Computer user permissions
Restricted User accounts are unable to display Flash Player content

of this article -


If no joy, there's other troubleshooting there.

Registry permissions required for Flash Player install or update

Here's more of my usual reply to Flash install issues:

Do you have any toolbar or other helper application that blocks Flash? Some
toolbars that block pop-ups also have a Flash-blocker.

See this site for .reg file to make sure Flash is enabled in the registry:
http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_tweaks.htm - line 363 on the left.
Download to your desktop and double-click to merge to your registry or right
click and choose Merge - or Edit to see exactly what modifications it will
make to your registry.

Check your security settings - Tools...Internet Options...Security tab,
click Internet Zone, click Custom, and make sure automatic downloads are
enabled. Ensure that "Download Signed ActiveX controls" and "Run ActiveX
controls and plug-ins" are not disabled.

If you are behind a proxy server or are in an administered network
environment - they may be blocking Flash.

If you are trying to install via a web page, try installing via the
downloadable installer:
http://www.macromedia.com/go/full_flashplayer_win_msi or
http://www.adobe.com/go/full_flashplayer_win_ie - current version

(previous version)

This is a silent installer - you will get no feedback if the install is
successful. You can check for your Flash install status here:

Completely uninstall any Flash you currently have and try to reinstall:

More info http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=tn_19166

Tools...Manage Add-ons...change menu to "Add-ons that have been used by IE"
and make sure that "Shockwave ActiveX Control" and "Shockwave Flash Object"
are set to "enabled".

Try posting your issue to the Macromedia Flash support forum:
As you'll see, you are not alone in having trouble installing Flash, and
they have support engineers there monitoring the group.
I will try that Robert.
An interesting development is that when I completely removed Flash and
re-installed it from another user account, only that user could use Flash.
I am still working on this and have tried all of the relevant KB articles I
could find on the Adobe site.
I can only do this a couple of times a day as I am otherwise occupied.
Jon, I have carefully followed all the steps in the Adobe TechNote 19148 and
re-installed Flash Player.
The Nick Jr. site only works from my account. In every other user account on
my PC, whether Administrator or Limited, when I go to this site I am prompted
to install Flash Player. I can do this successfully (I get the Flash Player
Installed Successfully movie). Then when I re-visit the Nick Jr. site it
again asks that Flash Player be re-installed.

I have sent all this information to Adobe as well and am waiting for a

Other than trying an earlier version of Flash, I am not sure what else I can
try. Adobe have suggested I try using Mozilla Firefox or Netscape!
Hi Jon,

I have now downloaded and installed Mozilla Firefox and the Nick Jr. site is
working OK for all users using that browser!