Flash error when using DHTML to change page layout

  • Thread starter Thread starter Darren Taft
  • Start date Start date

Darren Taft

I have a page with a table in it - 1 row long, 3 columns wide.

I wanted to add a cell to the table that spans columns 2 and 3, but I
can't change the source HTML. I'm therefore appending JavaScript to
the end of the page, which does the following:

* Add a row to the top of the table, moving the existing contents down
to row 2
* Move cell 1 from row 2 up to cell 1 of row 1 (by using cloneNode and
then apendChild)
* Change the newly moved cell to rowSpan = 2
* Add a cell to row2, with colSpan = 2

This works perfectly, as long as there isn't any Flash content in
column 1. If there is, everything still gets moved around correctly,
however the flash content fails to display.

The web server logs show that when moving the cells around, IE
re-requests all images in the affected cells from the web server, but
not the flash object - there's no attempt to download it again.

Everything works perfectly in Firefox - this seems to be an IE bug.

Anyone have any ideas on what could be causing it, or any way to work
around it?

Hi Darren,

How have you embedded the flash object?(<object><embed>) How are you
instansiating the Flash object ('Click to Activate ActiveX control IE, SP2
problem') Are you reseting the Autoplay property on the Flash object?

Just some ideas.

Thanks for the response Rob.

I'm embedding the object using:

<param name="movie" value="/myMovie.swf" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent">

There is no interactive element to it, so no clicking to activate it.
It just runs in the background. It works fine if I don't do any of
the DHTML manipulation.