Mon, 07 May 2007 03:13:14 GMT from TMitchell <tmitche2>:
I'm guessing that "MRU" stands for Most Recently Used, yes? Is there a
way to erase these registry entries?
Right-click on the Start button and select Customize. I think you
have to go into "Advanced" for the MRU list. But the administrator of
the public computer *should* have the start menu locked down so ha
people can't make malicious or clumsy changes, so you might not be
able to do this.
In Word and Excel, click Ctrl-Shift-minus, then click File and
carefully click on the document of yours that you want to remove from
the list. Repeat for multiple documents.
But really, why not avoid this? Just choose file names that don't
reveal anything you don't want revealed. Instead of "T Mitchel Resume
So I Can Get Away from This Crazy Job.doc", use "res.doc" (or,
better, "res.rtf" -- but that's another story and would be better
discussed in a Word group).