Hope you folks can direct me.
My first grade daughter enjoys math and could benefit from repeated flash
card work.
Right now she's studying Addition and subtraction with numbers 0-12
I've made up a couple of flash card spread sheets in Excel 2003 using data
validation list to keep her within her number groups with dropdowns.
But wife says that a plain popup flash card would provide a better learning
experience for her. I think I understand her there...LOL
Here is what I have:
A | B | C
------------ |----------------|--------------------------
1 | 0-12 |
------------ |----------------|--------------------------
2 +/- | 0-12 | Try Again / Good Job
------------ |----------------|--------------------------
3 | Answer input | Answer calculation for comparison
-12 - 24
Cell B1 & B2 have Data Validation List Dropdown Numbers 0-12 (Cells here are
Cell A2 Has Data Validation Dropdown List of + or - (Cell is unlocked)
Cell B3 has Data Validation List Dropdown Numbers -12 -24 (Cell is unlocked)
In Cell 2C is the formula : =IF(B3=C3,"Good Job!","Sorry Try Again!")
Conditional formatting colors this cell with this: If B3=C3 Color is Green
If B3<>C3 Color is Red .(Cell is Locked)
In Cell C3 is the formula : =IF(A2="+",B1+B2,B1-B2) this cell has a
background and foreground color of white (Cell is locked.)
Here is what I'd like:
The numbers in B1 and B2 to Appear on their own, without user intervention.
The program should select them randomly (only 0 - 12).
Cell A2 could stay as is allowing the user to select either Addition or
B3 could allow input typed in but should accept only numbers (including the
minus sign) -12 through 24 in this case.
I think this is all you get the drift. Any help would be great.
My first grade daughter enjoys math and could benefit from repeated flash
card work.
Right now she's studying Addition and subtraction with numbers 0-12
I've made up a couple of flash card spread sheets in Excel 2003 using data
validation list to keep her within her number groups with dropdowns.
But wife says that a plain popup flash card would provide a better learning
experience for her. I think I understand her there...LOL
Here is what I have:
A | B | C
------------ |----------------|--------------------------
1 | 0-12 |
------------ |----------------|--------------------------
2 +/- | 0-12 | Try Again / Good Job
------------ |----------------|--------------------------
3 | Answer input | Answer calculation for comparison
-12 - 24
Cell B1 & B2 have Data Validation List Dropdown Numbers 0-12 (Cells here are
Cell A2 Has Data Validation Dropdown List of + or - (Cell is unlocked)
Cell B3 has Data Validation List Dropdown Numbers -12 -24 (Cell is unlocked)
In Cell 2C is the formula : =IF(B3=C3,"Good Job!","Sorry Try Again!")
Conditional formatting colors this cell with this: If B3=C3 Color is Green
If B3<>C3 Color is Red .(Cell is Locked)
In Cell C3 is the formula : =IF(A2="+",B1+B2,B1-B2) this cell has a
background and foreground color of white (Cell is locked.)
Here is what I'd like:
The numbers in B1 and B2 to Appear on their own, without user intervention.
The program should select them randomly (only 0 - 12).
Cell A2 could stay as is allowing the user to select either Addition or
B3 could allow input typed in but should accept only numbers (including the
minus sign) -12 through 24 in this case.
I think this is all you get the drift. Any help would be great.