Hi everyones! Thanks to read.
I've bought an internal Flash card reader/floppy drive combo that you can
see here: http://www.directron.com/fa404.html I'm running it under
Windows98SE with the appropriate driver (Win2000/ME/XP doesn't need a
driver). I've cheated since i'll buy my digicam only in a week or two, but i
wanted to get done at setting up the card reader 1st. I've bought also an SD
256Mb card from Transcend. Tested the reader with a friend's Memory Stick
and could read his pictures without any problem. Later during the evening, i
did some tests with my 256Mb SD card. I tried to transfer files to it and
then discovered a problem. For a few files there's no problem, but when i
try to write hundreds of .jpg files (no i'm not exceding the capacity of the
card...!), i eventually end up by geting the message: "The directory or file
cannot be created" and the transfer stops. What have been transfered before
this error message appears is ok.
When i get this message, i can't add more files to the card. I've deleted
all the contents of the card, then retried. Got the same message. I thought
it was because of the file naming (because of french, i often use different
accented characters), so i copied the the files to a new folder, then with
ACDSee i did a batch rename for all the files, renaming them
000-001-002...and so on. When trying again to write those newly renamed
files, i get the same error. I'm able to write to the card a little more
files (about 300 out of 748, instead of the 153), but the write process
stops when the same amount of files have been transfered each time i try. I
don't have any clue. I've checked the support>FAQ section of Mitsumi's web
site, but could not find anything about this problem. Found instead the
deceiving message: "Important Notice for Mitsumi Product Owners:
Mitsumi does not offer repair services, repair parts, and does not have an
authorized repair shop." Well...nice! :-(
I'm searching on Google at the time i'm writing this, hoping that i'll find
something. Have any idea about my problem? Thanks for any useful replies.
Montréal Québec
PS: 1000 excuses for errors or omissions,
i'm a "pure" french canadian!
Come to visit me at: http://kilowatt.camarades.com
(If replying also by e-mail, remove
"no spam" from the adress.)
I've bought an internal Flash card reader/floppy drive combo that you can
see here: http://www.directron.com/fa404.html I'm running it under
Windows98SE with the appropriate driver (Win2000/ME/XP doesn't need a
driver). I've cheated since i'll buy my digicam only in a week or two, but i
wanted to get done at setting up the card reader 1st. I've bought also an SD
256Mb card from Transcend. Tested the reader with a friend's Memory Stick
and could read his pictures without any problem. Later during the evening, i
did some tests with my 256Mb SD card. I tried to transfer files to it and
then discovered a problem. For a few files there's no problem, but when i
try to write hundreds of .jpg files (no i'm not exceding the capacity of the
card...!), i eventually end up by geting the message: "The directory or file
cannot be created" and the transfer stops. What have been transfered before
this error message appears is ok.
When i get this message, i can't add more files to the card. I've deleted
all the contents of the card, then retried. Got the same message. I thought
it was because of the file naming (because of french, i often use different
accented characters), so i copied the the files to a new folder, then with
ACDSee i did a batch rename for all the files, renaming them
000-001-002...and so on. When trying again to write those newly renamed
files, i get the same error. I'm able to write to the card a little more
files (about 300 out of 748, instead of the 153), but the write process
stops when the same amount of files have been transfered each time i try. I
don't have any clue. I've checked the support>FAQ section of Mitsumi's web
site, but could not find anything about this problem. Found instead the
deceiving message: "Important Notice for Mitsumi Product Owners:
Mitsumi does not offer repair services, repair parts, and does not have an
authorized repair shop." Well...nice! :-(
I'm searching on Google at the time i'm writing this, hoping that i'll find
something. Have any idea about my problem? Thanks for any useful replies.
Montréal Québec
PS: 1000 excuses for errors or omissions,
i'm a "pure" french canadian!

Come to visit me at: http://kilowatt.camarades.com
(If replying also by e-mail, remove
"no spam" from the adress.)