Flash/ASP.NET interaction


Andy G

I have a client that is really pushing me to start using Flash MX
Professional to replace VS.NET. Main arguement is that it looks better and
flows nicer than visual studio developed applcations (this client is a
designer not a programmer). I believe that Flash is a 'Tool' not a
'Solution'. My 'Solution' is an ASP.NET application but I would like to use
Flash as a 'Tool'. I am having very hard time seeing any documentation on
the intergration of Flash with an ASP.NET application. Anyone like to chime
in on above comments and question?


Guadala Harry

Can you tell us more about the type of Web application/Web site the customer
needs/uses? What does the customer want you to build? What technical needs
do you need to meet, in general?

Perhaps you've heard that old saying... when you're holding a hammer,
everything looks like a nail. Designers tend to like flash movies over html
sites. Maybe a series of flash movies (which is what a "100% flash site"
pretty much is AFAIK) is exactly what the customer needs... maybe not...
Tell us more about the technical needs, and maybe we could offer some
perspective on how best to get there and where ASP.NET and Flash might fit
in. Is a database involved? If so, how?



Show the client the fees Macromedia is demanding for Flex, show them how
much extra it costs to acquire, setup and maintain the Java application
server that is required, point out that Macromedia is moving toward
implementing more and more proprietary code while Microsoft continues to
move more and more towards open standards.

Show XAML via the early implementation of Xamalon [1] and maybe the light
bulb will go off in the client's addled brain that within a couple of years
Flash will be a 'flash in the pan' :)

Finally, if common sense fails you find other clients who are already
advocates of .NET and *want* your services. That's been one of my greatest
challenges as an independent, i.e. not trying to sell my ideas when I should
have been looking for clients that wanted what I have to offer. The sales
pros call it 'qualifying' the prospect.

<%= Clinton Gallagher, "Twice the Results -- Half the Cost"
Architectural & e-Business Consulting -- Software Development
NET (e-mail address removed)
URL http://www.metromilwaukee.com/clintongallagher/

[1] http://www.xamlon.com/

bruce barker

if the UI is build in flash, look at flash calling asp.net webservices,
which it can.

-- bruce (sqlwork.com)

| I have a client that is really pushing me to start using Flash MX
| Professional to replace VS.NET. Main arguement is that it looks better
| flows nicer than visual studio developed applcations (this client is a
| designer not a programmer). I believe that Flash is a 'Tool' not a
| 'Solution'. My 'Solution' is an ASP.NET application but I would like to
| Flash as a 'Tool'. I am having very hard time seeing any documentation on
| the intergration of Flash with an ASP.NET application. Anyone like to
| in on above comments and question?
| Thanks
| Andy

Kevin Spencer

Agreed. Flash is one of those technologies which extends the interface of
the browser very well, and is available for every browser. Our company, for
example, is developing a web version of a desktop application. Using Flash
and Web Services, we can duplicate the exact look of the Windows Forms
desktop executable in the browser. While it hasn't been used a whole lot
(yet) for this type of purpose, I imagine it will be used more and more over
the next couple of years at least.

The problem with ActiveX controls, which is similar in many respects to
Flash, is that, due to the browser wars, ActiveX has only limited support
with browsers, while every browser maker includes support for Flash.

As to what constitutes a "tool," I would have to say both ASP.Net and Flash
are tools, and both integrate well into a solution. ASP.Net could also be
thought of as a combination of a platform and a tool set, but the tool set
is certainly extensible enough to work very well with Flash.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Neither a follower
nor a lender be.


Hi there.
Flash is a technology that, among many other things, allows you to
communicate with remote server from client browser without postbacks,
exchanging xml messages with web services, etc., much like some of IE
built-in ActiveX objects. So, Flash is not a presentation tool any more,
it's actually a powerful environment. I spent a lot of time in Flash, know
this thing very well and I can tell you that there is very little you can do
in .NET that you can't with Flash/client/server combination. With only one
major difference: things that takes only 1 day to develop in .NET normally
takes WEEKS to develop in Flash. Plus, manageability sucks there. Plus, your
users have to learn you fancy interface because you'll have fancy interface
that is totally different from others because otherwise there is no reason
to use Flash :) Plus, your fancy interface will become extreamely annoying
to users after their third visit if they supposed to use your application on
a regular basis. In short, development of real application (not a
"flashi-fashion" stuff) is MUCH easier and much CHEAPER if you use
traditional server technologies such as asp, ColdFusion, PHP or even Java or
..NET. And this traditional approach will be very much appreciated by your
Regards :)


I have a client that is really pushing me to start using Flash MX
Professional to replace VS.NET.

That's like replacing a lawnmower with a paint sprayer. Both great tools to
have but serve different purposes.
Main arguement is that it looks better and
flows nicer than visual studio developed applcations (this client is a
designer not a programmer).

Programmers are designers. ;o)
I believe that Flash is a 'Tool' not a

It can be both. And you can certainly have an ASP.net + Flash combined
solution. But I don't think you can toss one out the window in exchange for
the other.
the intergration of Flash with an ASP.NET application. Anyone like to chime
in on above comments and question?

There's not really a whole lot to direclty integrate. Flash can read XML
and, I believe, talk to databases, so there's that disconnected integration,
but, for the most part, I think it's more about co-existing rather than
tight integration.


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