"Flack Jackets" issued ... to two New Mods


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Please Join with me in welcoming two new Moderators

Adywebb & V_R

Initially coerced, shanghaied & beaten about the head into submission we hope you enjoy your new job here at PCReview.

Initially work details will include enhancing "crunchers corner" and fetching the morning papers, making tea & coffee, taking the dog out and generally keeping the place clean & tidy.

Congratulations ... welcome to the team.

Congratulations Guys! I notice mucks didn`t show you the ban button:lol:
Adywebb & V_R

Good luck.:thumb:

If you two get into trouble with Muck's let me know, I am the other guy with the ban button :D

Glad to have you as team mates :thumb:
What a great team we have ..only now i will have to mind my p`s and q`s even more ...

AHHH to be a moderator ..dreams dreams and dreaming .........................................zzz...........zzzzzzzzz...........
Thanks everyone, I feel very honoured to be part of such a great site with such friendly and fun people.

I'm looking forward to working with V_R in helping Mucks out in Crunchers Corner, we have a fantastic team of crunchers churning out great results for the good of mankind - WTG Guys an' Gals :thumb:

I know it's late but congratulations guys :D

I know you'll both make great moderators... :thumb: :)

Just don't let mucks bully you tooooooo.... much... he really doesn't need more than 6 cups of tea an hour... whatever he tells you

Nah dont worry we all knw about it. It wasnt really a secret :)

If it was, well too late now mucks sorry m8 ;)

Well, I always say I only start to wake up after my 2nd cup of tea... but don't expect anything coherrent until after my third... maybe i just wasn't adding the right stuff? :rolleyes:
Me!!!! But I'm sweet & innicent... (careful... don't fall off your chair)
