Fixing Number Of words!!!

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How to fix total number of words in a field?
30 X 30 ==> 3 words
50 X 89 ==> 3 words
80X 21 ==>2 words==>error message & delete

Any solutions?

Thanks in advance

kennykee said:
How to fix total number of words in a field?
30 X 30 ==> 3 words
50 X 89 ==> 3 words
80X 21 ==>2 words==>error message & delete

Any solutions?

Here's a function that returns an array of the blank-delimited words in
the string you pass it:

'----- start of code -----
Function SplitWords( _
ByVal pstrSource As String, _
Optional pstrDelim As String = " ", _
Optional plngLimit As Long = -1, _
Optional pCompare As Long = vbBinaryCompare) _
As String()

' Split the argument pstrSource into an array of "words"
' based on the delimiter passed as pstrDelim, treating
' consecutive occurrences of the delimiter as a single
' occurrence. So, for example, SplitWords("This Function")
' returns the same output array as SplitWords("This Function").

Dim strTwoDelim As String
Dim lngLen As Long

strTwoDelim = pstrDelim & pstrDelim

lngLen = Len(pstrSource)
pstrSource = _
Replace(pstrSource, strTwoDelim, pstrDelim, 1, -1, pCompare)
Loop Until Len(pstrSource) = lngLen

SplitWords = Split(pstrSource, pstrDelim, plngLimit, pCompare)

End Function
'----- end of code -----

With that function saved in a standard module, you can count the number
of words in a field like this:

intWords = UBound(SplitWords([YourField])) + 1

In a BeforeUpdate event procedure, you might say something like:

If UBound(SplitWords([YourField])) + 1 <> 3 Then
MsgBox "That's not a valid measurement."
Cancel = True
End If
That's really complex but it really works
Thanks Dirk

Dirk Goldgar said:
kennykee said:
How to fix total number of words in a field?
30 X 30 ==> 3 words
50 X 89 ==> 3 words
80X 21 ==>2 words==>error message & delete

Any solutions?

Here's a function that returns an array of the blank-delimited words in
the string you pass it:

'----- start of code -----
Function SplitWords( _
ByVal pstrSource As String, _
Optional pstrDelim As String = " ", _
Optional plngLimit As Long = -1, _
Optional pCompare As Long = vbBinaryCompare) _
As String()

' Split the argument pstrSource into an array of "words"
' based on the delimiter passed as pstrDelim, treating
' consecutive occurrences of the delimiter as a single
' occurrence. So, for example, SplitWords("This Function")
' returns the same output array as SplitWords("This Function").

Dim strTwoDelim As String
Dim lngLen As Long

strTwoDelim = pstrDelim & pstrDelim

lngLen = Len(pstrSource)
pstrSource = _
Replace(pstrSource, strTwoDelim, pstrDelim, 1, -1, pCompare)
Loop Until Len(pstrSource) = lngLen

SplitWords = Split(pstrSource, pstrDelim, plngLimit, pCompare)

End Function
'----- end of code -----

With that function saved in a standard module, you can count the number
of words in a field like this:

intWords = UBound(SplitWords([YourField])) + 1

In a BeforeUpdate event procedure, you might say something like:

If UBound(SplitWords([YourField])) + 1 <> 3 Then
MsgBox "That's not a valid measurement."
Cancel = True
End If

Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP

(please reply to the newsgroup)