Fixing a decimal point



Hi I know this newsgroup is for Excel but I cant seem to find an answer to
my question anywhere, so I figured I would try my luck here.

I am using Quattro pro and I was wondering if anybody out there could tell
me how I could setup a few specific cells to automaticly put a decimal point
in like you can do on an adding machine. Example if I were to type 1234 it
would automaticly show up as 12.34. Ideally if I could get it to show up as

I was using Excell at work and found something that moved the decimal over
for me, but it did it for the whole page not just where I needed it.


Bernard Liengme

In Excel you use Tool|Option; open Edit tab; click Fixed Decimal area and
type 2
Now when you type 5, Excel will record 0.50
If you forget to unset this you get a headache the next time you use Excel!

I looked for an option in QP and tried Help. Found nothing. Why not post the
question on the Corel QP newsgroup?

best wishes

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