Well, I finally managed to fix my computer, and it wasn't the power
supply that was causing the lack of POST. It was, indeed, the CPU,
which had slightly bent pins.
So my new question is this, I now have a new MB (MSI PY880 Neo) and a
new CPU (Pentium 4, 3.2 ghz). I want to know if I can use the ram from
my old MOBO in the new one. The old MB was a Jetway 400 FSB, supporting
a 2.4 ghz p4.
First off, I notice the guy at Fry's sold me new, ddr 400 ram. How do I
figure out what speed my old ram is? Second, let's say the old ram is
slower than the new ram, can I use both of them on the new Mobo at the
same time, or is it best to toss the old one?
supply that was causing the lack of POST. It was, indeed, the CPU,
which had slightly bent pins.
So my new question is this, I now have a new MB (MSI PY880 Neo) and a
new CPU (Pentium 4, 3.2 ghz). I want to know if I can use the ram from
my old MOBO in the new one. The old MB was a Jetway 400 FSB, supporting
a 2.4 ghz p4.
First off, I notice the guy at Fry's sold me new, ddr 400 ram. How do I
figure out what speed my old ram is? Second, let's say the old ram is
slower than the new ram, can I use both of them on the new Mobo at the
same time, or is it best to toss the old one?