Fixed/Locked cell referencing

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I am creating a spreadsheet that will be used to drag and drop and move
information around in but my cell referncing changes when data in a
referenced cell is dragged to another cell. Is it possible to create cell
references in formula's that do NOT change when the data in a referenced cell
is dragged?

For example:
- Desired Formula in Cell C2 "=($A$2*$B$2)"
- if I drag cell A2 to cell A3 my formula in cell C2 automatically changes
to ($A$3*$B$2). Is there a way to stop that from changing?

Thank you for you help.
The below formula is already using absolute referencing and if dragged should
not change.


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thanks for the reply Jacob.

That works if I am copying the formula to another cell or if I drag the cell
with the formula but not if I drag a referenced cell (cell A2 or cell B2).
If I drag either of the referenced cells the formula changes.
I think you are moving the cell. Please make sure you are dragging the cell
and not moving the cell..

(Drag using the handle at the right bottom of the cell; where the cursor
turns to a + sign) . If you dont see that check out from menu
Tools>Options>'Edit' tab>Check 'Allow cell drag and drop'

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I tried that. The "+" sign indicates a copying function from one cell to the
next. I don't want to copy data in the referenced cell, I want to drag the
information around the spreadsheet. If that is "moving the cell" then that
is what I want to do but I want to "move" the referenced cell (A2 and B2)
without changing the formula (in cell C2).

I get the feeling I am not explaining myself very well.

Thanks for trying Jacob.