Fix Comments

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jakobshavn Isbrae
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Jakobshavn Isbrae

I am posting here because I may need a macro.

When I enter a comment in a cell, Excel stores my name in TWO places:

a) the text of the comment
b) a mouse-over message that appears on the Status Bar

I want to change BOTH names to my company name.
I can easily change the name in the text box by editting the text box.
How can I change the mouse-over message?

This is probably a very simple thing, but I can not find it mentioned in my
Excel books.

Thanks in advance for any clues or help.

Tools|Options - General tab
Change the username tpo your Co name. You'll have to close and reopen Excel
to make this stick.

This only works for new comments made after the change.

How do I fix the old (existing) comments?

Alt+F11 to open VB editor. Right click 'This Workbook' and paste this in. It
works on the active sheet.

Change NewString to your new name and oldstring to the one you want replacing

Note the commented out line. This changes the name in Excel to match the new
name but isn't strictly necessary if you've already done that from my
previous post.

Sub CommentChange()
NewString = "My New Name"
OldString = "Mike H"
'Application.UserName = NewString
For Each cmt In ActiveSheet.Comments
NewComment = Replace(cmt.Text, OldString, NewString)
cmt.Parent.AddComment Text:=NewComment
Next cmt
End Sub

I meant to say

Alt+F11 to open VB editor. Right click 'This Workbook' AND INSERT MODULE and
paste this in. It works on the active sheet.

Very, very good.

The text is now fixed in all comments. The mouse-over message (that appears
in the Status Bar) still remains the old name. Can your macro be modified to
change that name as well??

Thanks for taking the time to help. You have already saved me hours!

Glad I could help. I'm a bit confused as to why the mouseover comment text
hasn't changed, mine did. I'll have to do a bit of research. Check back later
to see if I've (or someone else) has a solution.

The mouse-over text is O.K. for new comments.

When the macro changed the old comments, it fixed the text in the comment,
but not the text displayed in that Status Bar at the bottom.

In any case, thanks for the help!
Everything is working now (Once I remembered to fix Application.UserName)
Thanks again