Fix bug in Windows Media Player 11 - bug described below:

  • Thread starter Thread starter AMW
  • Start date Start date


Windows Media Player does not conform to DNLA standard.

Certain devices wll not play files of a certain type. e.g. Zensonic Z500

Reference document "DLNA Home networked device interoperability guidelines
(Part 1: Architecture and Protocols)" available here:

According to "7.4.30 - MM DIDL-Lite protocolInfo values", any protocolInfo
value that begins with "http-get" must list the MIME type and DLNA.ORG_PN
parameters of the media format profile in the third and fourth parameters,

In the case of WMS 11 for an AVI file, the fourth parameter (DLNA.ORG_PN) is

Example: <res
Should be: <res

This is a bug in the implementation of the DLNA protocol in WMS 11.

Applicable portion of section 7.4.30:
The third field of a protocolInfo value must use the MIME types specified in
Compendium of Media Format Profiles, Clause 5 in the Media Format document
for DLNA normative media format profiles when the protocol is "http-get" or
UPnP AV endpoints (devices and control points) must use the DLNA.ORG_PN
parameter (7.4.32) in the 4th field of protocolInfo for the following
* To identify content conforming to a DLNA media format profile, or
* To specify that a UPnP device is capable of receiving, distributing, or
content conforming to a DLNA media format profile.

MIME-types in the 3rd field of res@protocolInfo alone are not sufficient to
identify DLNA content.

MIME-types are not to be used to identify DLNA media format profiles because
MIME-types will be updated by IANA.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.
You should send this directly to Microsoft. This is not a managed newsgroup
and MS does not monitor it for bug reports or feature requests.
This is a fault in a Microsoft product that should be fixed forthwith. This
is the only forum I could find to post it in. Indeed, this forum is intended
to highlight problems with Microsoft products and request features. If enough
people rate my post, Microsoft WILL look at it.

In any case, there is no facility to report bugs to Microsoft. In fact, they
would like you to pay to do it! Please go ahead and try. I will be very
interested to hear how you get on.
If you would care to follow your own link, you will find that there is NO
facility to report bugs, unless you care to pay Technical Support. As before,
I challenge you to find a way to do this, I would be overjoyed to hear how to
do it.
I will give it a try and report back, but I still think they will want me to
pay to report it....
Did you try it yourself? When I hit submit, after filling it all in, I got:

Sorry, the page you requested is not available.

Yeah, really good system they've got there.

Please everyone, do not bother to try and tell me there is a way to report
bugs to Microsoft, there just is not. I have now officially given up.
Bug reporting for a released OS is not the same as it is for a beta. Bugs
are reported to Product Support Services so that they can try to resolve the
issue before escalating to the research team.