Fix bug CustomizeCurrentView Flag Status not show in CorrectOrder



Outlook 2003 -- Fix the bug in Customize Current View -- Fields -- where the
Flag Status field does not show in the correct order. As delivered, (and in
newly created folders) Flag Status is listed in the 3rd position after
Importance and Icon. However, Flag Status displays on the far right. IF you
move it up or down it still shows on the far right.
BUT, if you remove the Flag Status field, "OK" the show fields dialog and
"OK" the Customize Current view dialog
AND THEN go back into the Customize Current view screens and then select
Fields and then add Flag Status back, then after you "OK" your way back out,
Flag Status will then show in the correct order position.

You have to do this to EACH existing folder and each new folder. Once done,
it works correctly forever. VERY TACKY

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