Fix 100% CPU Usage for Good


Tony L.

I posted a note earlier this week about re-formatting
your HDD. That didn't work for me either. My CPU kept
getting maxed out. So I searched and searched for
answer, since Microsoft refuses to issue a patch.

If explorer.exe is running at 100% CPU cycles, you
probably don't have a virus, especially if you've run all
available virus checkers, and so forth. I really has to
do with your multimedia files. Explorer tries to
determine the length of your .AVIs and goes into a loop.
Microsoft would like you to only use their MPGs.

You just need this simple registry tweak:

Type regedit
Export (Back it up before you mess it up!)

Now find the following registry key and remove it and
your problem with be fixed without you having to reboot!

4b9a-9489-5FE6850D C73E}\InProcServer32

You can delete this key. Or REM it out. Meaning, type
the words "REM," which mean remark in old DOS terms.

Please trust me, it will work for you. Nothing--I mean
nothing else--worked except this.


You have to search all over the Internet. Re-formatting
doesn't work. It is not a virus.

Whenever you open a folder with different kinds of
multimedia files, Windows (not Internet) Explorer's CPU
cycles jump through the roof. It's a bug in this last
round of patches.

See for yourself. Don't be afraid to edit your
Registry. Just back it up first. Easy.

I kept having the same problem, thinking it was a virus.
There are no viruses. Plain and simple: MS' patches are
buggy. Just like they were with WinME SP1 years ago.


Ridiculous hogwash. MS patches are not buggy.
You have to search all over the Internet. Re-formatting
doesn't work. It is not a virus.

Whenever you open a folder with different kinds of
multimedia files, Windows (not Internet) Explorer's CPU
cycles jump through the roof. It's a bug in this last
round of patches.

See for yourself. Don't be afraid to edit your
Registry. Just back it up first. Easy.

I kept having the same problem, thinking it was a virus.
There are no viruses. Plain and simple: MS' patches are
buggy. Just like they were with WinME SP1 years ago.

Alex Nichol

Tony said:
Now find the following registry key and remove it and
your problem with be fixed without you having to reboot!

4b9a-9489-5FE6850D C73E}\InProcServer32

That is the reference used by Explorer when you have AVI files around.
It is known that Explorer has problems with some AVI files - especially
if they use the DivX codec, that is post-XP. Explorer goes looking in
files for further info - things like Artist, resolution, frame rate
etc, and can hang or get in loops. This is the reason for the problem
of 'can't delete files because they are described as in use'.

More usual way to stop it is by going in regedit to
and deleting the PropertyHandler subkey; which removes the reference to
the key you found for explorer, while leaving it available for anything
else needing the service.

But it is only one possible reason for excessive CPU use, I'm afraid

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