mitch ferguson said:
Is there any way to fit the whole slide on a given A4
page. Still likes to leave white space along the edges
of the printed page even when using Scale to fit Paper.
Is this a printer issue?
Thanks a million for any answers.
Most printers can't print clear to the edge of a sheet of paper -- the
rollers need room to grab the paper, etc. This is the same no matter what
program you're working from, it's just not as noticeable in, say, Word,
because the sheet of paper is usually the same color as the background of
the page in the program. I mean, you don't see an edge when you print a
white Word document on a white sheet of paper, you know? If you were to put
a border on your Word document page, you'd see the edges, though.
So the upshot is that this is a physical limitation of the printer. You can
print your slides to oversized paper (if your printer can handle oversized
paper) and then trim it down to size. Tabloid-sized paper will work, or
there are special papers with tear-off edges you might want to look into.
I'd think most office supply stores would carry some.