
Jan 14, 2006
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So does anyone have a Fitbit?
[And i dont mean your other half!]

Seems they monitor exercise, how you sleep & how you go about daily life.
Would be interested to see how much i walk in a day?
No, I don't have one, nor have I heard of it. :D

If you found out how far you walked in a day would you change the way you live?

I feel that this sort of gadget is only of use if you seriously intend to change your lifestyle. Otherwise you will use a couple of times and then never again. I know cos I once was given a pedometer which I used for about four days and now I've no idea where it is. :D
I don't need a gadget to tell me I sleep 3.5 hours a night and what I do the rest of the day. My own brain tells me that already and it is free :thumb:
I'm a Fitbit ...

You don't walk enough!
You have the wrong diet!
You do not exercise correctly!
Your sleep pattern is all wrong!
Your daily routine needs a radical rework!

... that will be £70 please. :)
:mad:I did not know they made a film about me, Bah, Humbug:mad::mad:and they did not tell me!!!!!:mad:Oh and by the way I walk between 6 and 10 miles with the dog a day, plus going shopping with the her indoors up and down and up and down the supermarket isles so I must be fit, mustn't I ???
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