Fishy Tale

We had a tiny little goldfish we won from a fair - it must have lasted about 10 years and just kept growning. We had to buy a few new tanks for it, and it just grew to fill the space! (It wasn't quite as bit as that one though ;)).

1ft 3" is huge for a goldfish :eek: :D
Goldfish do that, they will keep growing to the size of the tank. Didn't know they lasted so long though!! How long do tropical fish last?
In 1966 there was a carp alive in Japan that was 215 years old . The article is well worth a read .

I knew carp lived to a ripe old age but that is amazing .

That was a really fascinating read Abarbarian, what a good find :thumb: she eventually reached the age of 226 years by the time of her death in 1977. How amazing is that :eek: :)