First Upload



Thanks again to all the very helpful people here.... I am very new....

I registered my domain and I am now ready to upload my web pages from my computer. My hosting site
recognizes front page headers.

So.. Now.. do I have to do any special naming? In other words, how does it work, that when you type
in an address bar, that my home page will appear? What do I need to do, so that my hompage is called up when my domain address is entered.

If thats a stupid question, just remember I'm new!!

Steve Easton

Have you or your hosting company entered
your domain name in the Domain Name Server
( DNS ) system.??

You should have received details from them
telling you what your primary and secondary
"Name Servers" are.

The name servers are what convert into the address that a browser
uses to find your web site.

It takes 24 to 48 hours for the domain name to
propagate throughout the DNS system.

To see if yours has, open a DOS or Command
window and type: ping
or dot net whichever is appropriate.
If it returns a numerical IP address that looks like
123.456.789.123 then it has.

Then to publish, open your web in FrontPage.
Click File > Publish Web... and enter and click OK
Enter you're user name and password and
your web "should" publish.

Steve Easton
MS MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed..................
...............................with a computer

Chris said:
Thanks again to all the very helpful people here.... I am very new....

I registered my domain and I am now ready to upload my web pages from my computer. My hosting site
recognizes front page headers.

So.. Now.. do I have to do any special naming? In other words, how does
it work, that when you type
in an address bar, that my home page will appear? What do I need to do,
so that my hompage is called up when my domain address is entered.

Crash Gordon

BTW...something that aways confused me as a newbie:

You can name the local copy on your machine anything that you want...XYZmystupidwebsite...XYZmysmartwebsite...etc. and as long as you publish it to that's what it will be called on the server...doesn't matter what you call it on your local machine.

So..I have on my machine XYZexperimental....XYZ2003...XYZcurrent

hope I didn't confuse you.


| Thanks again to all the very helpful people here.... I am very new....
| I registered my domain and I am now ready to upload my web pages from my computer. My hosting site
| recognizes front page headers.
| So.. Now.. do I have to do any special naming? In other words, how does it work, that when you type
| in an address bar, that my home page will appear? What do I need to do, so that my hompage is called up when my domain address is entered.
| If thats a stupid question, just remember I'm new!!

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