let me try to explain, things in detail,
we have a single domain, mydomain.com, the
PDC machine with the name pdc is at locarion A,
is the global catalog server(i.e pdc.mydomain.com is GC)
also the AD integrated DNS is on pdc.mydomain.com.
An ADC at location A is the Infrastructure Master.
Hence the site A has 2 servers pdc.mydomain.com
and im.mydomain.com.
We have a number of locations across various cities.
We have ADC's at all of these locations. None of
them is a GC, all have the DNS pointing to pdc.mydomain.com.
In in inter site links, we have set up links
for all to replicate with location A. i.e say location B
adc_B.mydomain.com, will have a intersite link
between pdc and adc_B. ADC at location C (adc_C.mydomain.com)
will hav intersitelink between pdc and adc_C, and so on.
Now , when i run a dcpromo on site D, to join the domain as ADC
with an intersitelink between pdc and adc_D, why does it pickup
any random location like adc_B as its "first replication partner"
i want it to take pdc as its first replication partner, becos suppose
if i continue with dcpromo, and subsequently try to demote
this server, then again it looks for its "first replication partner" the adc_B
even when there are no intersite links between them.
i hope u undertand wht i am trying to say ...
plz help