First nonblank cell in a row


Rosetta Stone


I have a sheet of data, approx 80 columns wide and 1000 rows long. I
want to do a per-row formula, and I need a pointer to the first
nonblank data in the row. [most rows start out with some blank (not
zero!) cells]

If I had a pointer to it, or if I knew how many columns over it was
from the start, I'd be set. Any ideas?

I've been reading an Excel book and searching archives of this group,
to no avail.


Frank Kabel

Hi Rosetta
one way to get the row number of the first non blank in a column: Try
the following array formula (entered with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER):


Ron Rosenfeld


I have a sheet of data, approx 80 columns wide and 1000 rows long. I
want to do a per-row formula, and I need a pointer to the first
nonblank data in the row. [most rows start out with some blank (not
zero!) cells]

If I had a pointer to it, or if I knew how many columns over it was
from the start, I'd be set. Any ideas?

I've been reading an Excel book and searching archives of this group,
to no avail.


The *array-entered* formula: =MATCH(FALSE,ISBLANK(2:2),0) will give the column
number of the first non-blank cell in row 2.

To *array-enter* a formula, hold down <ctrl><shift> while hitting <enter>.
Excel will place braces {...} around the formula.

Depending on what you want to do with that information,

=ADDRESS(2,MATCH(FALSE,ISBLANK(2:2),0)) (array-entered) will give the
address as text.
=INDEX(2:2,,MATCH(FALSE,ISBLANK(2:2),0)) (array-entered) will give the
contents of that cell.


Rosetta Stone

Frank Kabel said:
Hi Rosetta
one way to get the row number of the first non blank in a column: Try
the following array formula (entered with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER):

Thankyouthankyouthankyou! It worked like a charm.


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