First Internet Connection


Feb 23, 2002
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When did you get your first internet connection, was it quite a while ago? I think I had one first in around 1997 with AOL - ah those were the days.

28.8kbps, loads of aol spam and very little in terms of interest online - just news and some gaming sites!
I remember it was 1996 with the UNDP server in my locality. Bsically used only email system for communications with a 14.4 modem :D
I reckon mine was back around that time too, mainly used it to explore the online universe in which Quake and then Quake2 existed

used to get a free month and then leave em!
it was an old 36.6k connection in 1997 i think!

amazing how technology has changed since then
i often wonder what will happen in 10 years from now!
Yeah, i remember when I got my first 56k modem :D I thought it was soooooo fast. Reckon I've still got it buried around here somewhere too... don't remember ever throwing it out. Maybe I gave it to someone, can't remember.
For an at home connection it would've been in the mid 90's some time. I was lucky though because my partner of the time works at the varsity so I had access to the uni computers & internet long after I left Varsity myself. He was just finishing off his Master's around the time our first child was born... the one that turned 13yo a couple of weeks ago... Mind you... I can't be all that old... when i told my Mum that I had found some grey hairs she proclaimed "No you haven't!!!! I'm far too young to have a daughter with grey hair!!!" So there you go then!:D A spring chicken wether I like it or not! *wanders off to scratch in the dirt for grain"
Quadophile said:
I remember it was 1996 with the UNDP server in my locality. Bsically used only email system for communications with a 14.4 modem :D
I don't remember the exact year, but I'd guess at '94. 14.4 modems were the latest thing!:eek:

Prior to that I was using an old Racal Maxam external modem running at some incredible speed like 9600 for linking into mainland based UNIX systems. Oh what happy memories!:rolleyes:
my first internet connection was a 56k one from aol in 1998/9 or sometime then. £20 a month or something :/
1986, oh help, that long ago ... the company was called Transend and I used their software PCComplete ... it was the only one I could find that would allow me to "email" my work to the Bromide Printers. The PO would send them back. :D

Had a problem one day and phoned there tech' support, you could actually talk to a person then, was absolutely fascinated and dumbfounded at how the guy "remotely" fixed the problem.

Visited a few Bulletin Boards and that was about it ... don't know what speed the modem was but the whole set-up, including the new fangled 286 PC, was £2,500 ... never did pay for it as I had it on approval. Whearns Computers was the company that supplied it all, they went bust before I could pay the bill.[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] :rolleyes:

muckshifter said:
Whearns Computers was the company that supplied it all, they went bust before I could pay the bill.[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

Can you come up with a list of companies that may go bankrupt in next 15 days? Folks here at PC Review would consider you an angle :D