Site Title Fname Lname
001 SC Karen Lome
001 SA Joan Smith
051 ADM Jon Gorz
051 SC Fran Rera
051 MD Joan Glitz
066 SA Liz Mena
I need a query that returns the just first entry/row for
each site number and ignores the rest of the info for that
site. See below:
Site Title Fname Lname
001 SC Karen Lome
051 ADM Jon Gorz
066 SA Liz Mena
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
001 SC Karen Lome
001 SA Joan Smith
051 ADM Jon Gorz
051 SC Fran Rera
051 MD Joan Glitz
066 SA Liz Mena
I need a query that returns the just first entry/row for
each site number and ignores the rest of the info for that
site. See below:
Site Title Fname Lname
001 SC Karen Lome
051 ADM Jon Gorz
066 SA Liz Mena
Any help will be greatly appreciated!