I am trying to use my unmanaged c++ class library in managed classes.
So far everything seems to be ok, just passing on the __events from
unmanaged to managed code using the __hook functions is a mising link.
I am getting this code: error C3731: incompatible event 'void
sLib::CDataset::OnSetProgress(sLib::CProgressInfo &)' and handler 'void
oLocalProgress(sLib::CProgressInfo &)'; event
source and event handler must have the same event type
The tricky part is that I cannot change the base unmanaged code, so I can
only change the managed class wrapper.
So how could I define the managed DoLocalProgress() function in order that I
and __hook this with the unmanaged OnSetProgress() event???
One problem might be that I used the same class name but in 2 different name
spaces. I am using the 2002 VC++ .NET.
Thanks in advance.
Here is may managed class with the hook to __event void OnSetProgress
namespace SkyscanLibBase {
public __gc class CDataset
public: CDataset() {
m_pDataset=new sLib::CDataset();
public: ~CDataset() {
if (m_pDataset) delete m_pDataset;
public: void DoLocalProgress(sLib::CProgressInfo &aProgressInfo) {
SkyscanLibBase::CProgressInfo *ProgressInfo=new
Here is my unmanaged class that has __event void OnSetProgress
namespace sLib {
class CDataset: public CFiles {
CDataset() {
~CDataset() {
__event void OnSetProgress(CProgressInfo &ProgressInfo);
So far everything seems to be ok, just passing on the __events from
unmanaged to managed code using the __hook functions is a mising link.
I am getting this code: error C3731: incompatible event 'void
sLib::CDataset::OnSetProgress(sLib::CProgressInfo &)' and handler 'void

source and event handler must have the same event type
The tricky part is that I cannot change the base unmanaged code, so I can
only change the managed class wrapper.
So how could I define the managed DoLocalProgress() function in order that I
and __hook this with the unmanaged OnSetProgress() event???
One problem might be that I used the same class name but in 2 different name
spaces. I am using the 2002 VC++ .NET.
Thanks in advance.
Here is may managed class with the hook to __event void OnSetProgress
namespace SkyscanLibBase {
public __gc class CDataset
public: CDataset() {
m_pDataset=new sLib::CDataset();
public: ~CDataset() {

if (m_pDataset) delete m_pDataset;
public: void DoLocalProgress(sLib::CProgressInfo &aProgressInfo) {
SkyscanLibBase::CProgressInfo *ProgressInfo=new
Here is my unmanaged class that has __event void OnSetProgress
namespace sLib {
class CDataset: public CFiles {
CDataset() {
~CDataset() {
__event void OnSetProgress(CProgressInfo &ProgressInfo);