thank you so much for this response.. I think techs assume that everyone who
is interested have the knowledge they do

.. you have given me some very
good information.. appreciate it.. Rainy
Rainy said:
Maxtor OneTouch 4 Plus 500GB External USB 2.0 Firewire
I am looking at a new external.. and this one says firewire.. is this
something that I should have on my computer? I have never heard about
firewire.. any information appreiciate.. Rainy
Hi Rainy -- You sound like a non-techie person so I'll try to give a
non-techie answer. Nothing wrong with the replies so far, but they may be
swatting the gnat with a sledgehammer.
First off, JohnF is right -- the Maxtor One Touch 4 Plus has two ways to
connect to your computer, either USB 2.0 or Firewire. Take your choice.
You don't have to use Firewire unless you want to, and actually Maxtor seems
to prefer you use USB in order to install all the backup and other software
that comes on the hard drive.
So ... if you have previously used an external hard drive it was probably
with USB 2.0, and you should be all set .. just connect the Maxtor to the
same port (plug) on your computer. There should be a "quick start guide"
that came with the Maxtor that shows how to do this, but if not it should be
pretty obvious. The computer should then start up a Wizard to set up the
software for you ... see the user guide that came with th Maxtor, or if that
is mising,
There's also an animated guide to software installation. Follow the link at
(it's in the second group, for "...One Touch 4 Plus", the blue lines of type
at the right, "Installation Guide (Flash)")
If you *haven't* previously used an external hard drive, check to see if you
have a USB port. Do you ever plug anything else into the computer? A flash
drive (thumb drive), maybe? That would use a USB port. Look for the places
to plug things into your computer, on the front and/or back of a desktop or
the edges of a laptop. There may be several USB ports (and you can use any
of them) and they will have a fairly thin rectangular opening, and maybe
with a symbol kind of like a tree or trident. The Maxtor probably came with
a USB cable, so try plugging it in to the port (gently but firmly .. you may
have to flip it over).
If you're at a stage where you have to ask if you have Firewire, there is
basically no reason you should be bothering with that, unless you have an
unusual computer configuration. (I had one computer that had the old
version of USB, 1.0, which was glacially slow, but also had Firewire, so
that was the choice for an external hard drive.) Or do you have some reason
you didn't mention to want to use Firewire?