Lil' Dave
Left laptop and connected firewire HD on overnight. Laptop had not been
used for sometime, so needed battery charge. The laptop was on the desk
with the firewire HD on the floor.
Heard an irritable click, pause, click noise early next morning. Could not
figure out where it was coming from. It was the firewire HD on the floor.
Laptop could not access it. Tried it on a PC, same thing.
Bought this thing about 10 months ago from CompUSA. ADS 40GB Firewire.
Don't have the receipt. So, it is up to me to try to get it to work again
or make workable for recovery. Very simple construction. Has a Jupiter
made HD in it, made in China. Standard ide connection and power connector.
Removed from firewire case, installed in a PC master/alone. Same results.
Right now, the HD is in the freezer. Hopefully, tomorrow I can get it to
work. Data on it is not life/death critical, but would be nice to get it
back. This is just caution to those who may have this ADS version.
Had a WD AB 60GB laying around and stuck in Firewire case. Backed up 7GB
via DI2002 across home network to it. Works great.
used for sometime, so needed battery charge. The laptop was on the desk
with the firewire HD on the floor.
Heard an irritable click, pause, click noise early next morning. Could not
figure out where it was coming from. It was the firewire HD on the floor.
Laptop could not access it. Tried it on a PC, same thing.
Bought this thing about 10 months ago from CompUSA. ADS 40GB Firewire.
Don't have the receipt. So, it is up to me to try to get it to work again
or make workable for recovery. Very simple construction. Has a Jupiter
made HD in it, made in China. Standard ide connection and power connector.
Removed from firewire case, installed in a PC master/alone. Same results.
Right now, the HD is in the freezer. Hopefully, tomorrow I can get it to
work. Data on it is not life/death critical, but would be nice to get it
back. This is just caution to those who may have this ADS version.
Had a WD AB 60GB laying around and stuck in Firewire case. Backed up 7GB
via DI2002 across home network to it. Works great.