Greetings --
Well, WinXP's built-in ICF is certainly better than nothing, but
it's no substitute for a real firewall.
WinXP's built-in firewall is _adequate_ at stopping incoming
attacks, and hiding your ports from probes. It doesn't give you any
alarms, or any other kind of indication, to tell you that it is
working, though. Nor is it very easily configurable. What WinXP also
does not do, is protect you from any Trojans or spyware that you (or
someone else using your computer) might download and install
inadvertently. It doesn't monitor out-going traffic at all, other
than to check for IP-spoofing, much less block (or at even ask you
about) the bad or the questionable out-going signals. It assumes that
any application you have on your hard drive is there because you want
it there, and therefore has your "permission" to access the Internet.
Further, because the ICF is a "stateful" firewall, it will also assume
that any incoming traffic that's a direct response to a Trojan's or
spyware's out-going signal is also authorized.
ZoneAlarm, Kerio, or Sygate are all much better than WinXP's
built-in firewall, and are much more easily configured, and there are
free versions of each readily available. Even Symantec's Norton
Personal Firewall is superior by far, although it does take a heavier
toll of system performance then do ZoneAlarm or Sygate.
Running two or more software firewalls simultaneously is
unnecessary and can sometimes cause conflicts, possibly negating the
protection of both. In any event, having two firewalls running
simultaneously is most certainly an unnecessary drain on system
Bruce Chambers
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You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. - RAH
Nicole said:
As a user of XP, I am also a user of XP firewall. I have read so
much good about Zone Alarm firewall that I am wondering whether I
should make a change over, or is it possible to use it as well as XP.
I believe using 2 firewalls usually lead to trouble. Thanks for any
advice or opinion.