Don said:
Is the firewall provided with windowsxp good enough?
Depends on your needs and situation.
For most people, it will be MORE than adequate and anything else would be a
pain. The current implementation of the XP ICF only blocks INCOMING
traffic. That means if you get a virus like sasser on your machine somehow,
you will be sending it out to other people and trying to infect them.
Essentially - it can make you into a Typhoid Mary character.
Look around, compare, learn. Don't base your decision strictly on a
question asked once in a newsgroup and a half-dozen answers. Use Google to
research on your own!
ZoneAlarm (FREE and up)
Basic PC protection for the home user
Windows XP ICF (comes with Windows XP)
got windows xp? - you have this one if you do
Kerio Personal Firewall (KPF) (FREE and up)
builds a barrier between your personal computer and the Internet
Outpost Firewall from Agnitum (FREE and up)
basic protection solution for casual web surfers and low budget systems
Sygate Personal Firewall (FREE and up)
the most user-friendly PC firewall and personal desktop security solution
Symantec's Norton Personal Firewall (~$25 and up)
keeps hackers out and personal data in
BlackICE PC Protection ($39.95 and up)
intrusion detection system and a personal firewall for a one-two punch of
Tiny Personal Firewall (~$49.00 and up)
turn your pc into the fortress
That should get you started!