I have used Sygate before on a couple of computers without any problems. Since you
are using a NAT router you could disable it. Just be sure to also keep current with
critical updates and keep Norton current and make sure it scans all of your emails
and run a total virus scan after updating your definitions with Live Update. Spyware
will not be stopped by a firewall. You can use Task Manager
[control-alternate-delete, select Task Manager] to see if your cpu and memory usage
is always high. What you describe also could be a hardware problem with overheating
cpu, flaky power supply, and bad memory being the top suspects. It would also help to
boot into Safe Mode with networking to see if the problem goes away which would
indicate a conflict with a startup program/service/driver. See the links below for
more details. --- Steve
marvyone said:
I am running win 2000 pro on a dell xps r 256 ram 800 mhz p3. I had been having
sluggish performance, hangups, need to reboot etc. I ran spybot and took off 15-20
problems that it found. I also recently installed Sygate free firewall. I run Norton
antivirus. The system is still running slow and it is now losing its internet
connection(cable modem behind a router) every 20-30 minutes, requiring a reboot. Has
anyone had problems with this firewall? Any ideas on what is going wrong. Thanks,