Mike Bright MSP
Unfortunatly there isn't a specific key in the registry
which will indicate whether the Firewall is on or off.
What kind of access do you have to the machine?
I mean if you have the ability to run logon scripts you
could construct a report-ing type feature in VBS which
can check. As you can query the firewall from VBA using
the CreateObject method.
Mike Bright MCP, MSP
e:[email protected]
Unfortunatly there isn't a specific key in the registry
which will indicate whether the Firewall is on or off.
What kind of access do you have to the machine?
I mean if you have the ability to run logon scripts you
could construct a report-ing type feature in VBS which
can check. As you can query the firewall from VBA using
the CreateObject method.
Mike Bright MCP, MSP
e:[email protected]