Firewall blocking an intrusion?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Daj
  • Start date Start date


I have Outlook Express, Win XP
Internet Explorer.
I have a program that needs to access the internet in order for it to work. It downloads data to the
program. Now when I access the program my firewall blocks it and says an intrusion attempt was made
and it was blocked.
Intrusion: http MS IIS MALFORMED URL DOS . Anyone know what this is
and what to do about it. I don't have the faintest idea what to do.
What triggered the alert? A computer with the IP address sent info that is characteristic of
I only have this one computer connected.
Any help will be appreciated.
Hi Don,
Could you shed more Info about the programe,about the computer with IP
address,this what called the Loopback or the local server on your
NIC,so don't worrey about the IP,some AV can block legitimate
Programmes,simply because there are a lot of trafics generated from this
Programe,so the Firewal issue an a lert to let you know why this Program
generate a lot of trafic,hear from you soon with more Info about the programe.
The program is a weather update site,shows my location, storms, tornados, etc., Which can be up dated
every 10 min.
Hi Don,
I think you don't have a problem,from your descriptions that the Firewall
doing its Work fine and you shouldn't worry about the a lert because the
firewall blocked it but let you know that you did have a hit,simply because
when you are on the Internet your IP is Visable to others and a hacker will
try to use a phishing or false IP to try to break into your system to try to
gain access to your files,but your Firewall done the job,try to read the Help
and support on how to set up your firewall to protect you from such an attack.

Sorry for the mistake,the IP is Localhost.
Good luck and take care