If I am picking up an over-spill of Wifi 54g 8. lynksys from a nearby Hotel
and I am using a VPN-hotshield with Vista settings at "public" with all
"sharing/discovers" off...?should any Firewall settings be allowed?
Currently i have "core networking", "Hot sync (Palm) and "remote assistance"
=3 exceptions. The computer is a 2007 and has not really denied me anything i
have tried with it. Just minor blips. I use it for basics and entertainment.
and I am using a VPN-hotshield with Vista settings at "public" with all
"sharing/discovers" off...?should any Firewall settings be allowed?
Currently i have "core networking", "Hot sync (Palm) and "remote assistance"
=3 exceptions. The computer is a 2007 and has not really denied me anything i
have tried with it. Just minor blips. I use it for basics and entertainment.