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After a long resistance I started using firefox 1.5.

Besides the great convenience of tabbed browsing, internet explorer is an
absolute hog in resources compared to firefox 1.5. If I have four or five
windows open in ie, the cpu use starts rising considerably. In firefox it
stays low.

Also on my two computers, a desktop and a laptop - 2 gigs of ram on the
first and 1 gig on the second, ie crashes from time to time, and is slow in
loading. Firefox is fast, and has crashed only once.

The new ie better match it or I'm sticking with firefox. I'm not a
Microsoft hater; I'm an msdn premium subscriber and do all my developing in
visual studio. I use Microsoft Office 2003. My favorite app is OneNote.

I even use Outlook although Thunderbird is probably superior, with an
integrated newsreader. No going to Outlook Express for that.

That is funny because I have the oppose problem both FF 1.5 and 1.5.01 are
slow are memory hugs. IE6 on my machines starts much faster and IE7beta2 is
faster as well. I guess it depends your system setup.

Windows XP Pro SP2
512MB ram

System has never been infect by any spyware or viruses. Machine has been
running since original install from Oct. 2003.
I presume you got the one this week that fixed 8 security vulnerabilities.
Mentioned also is a fix to correct the memory utilization problem.
Tabs have been around some time in skins for IE and other browsers.
When I used Firefox, I elected not use the tabs.

| After a long resistance I started using firefox 1.5.
| Besides the great convenience of tabbed browsing, internet explorer is an
| absolute hog in resources compared to firefox 1.5. If I have four or five
| windows open in ie, the cpu use starts rising considerably. In firefox it
| stays low.
| Also on my two computers, a desktop and a laptop - 2 gigs of ram on the
| first and 1 gig on the second, ie crashes from time to time, and is slow
| loading. Firefox is fast, and has crashed only once.
| The new ie better match it or I'm sticking with firefox. I'm not a
| Microsoft hater; I'm an msdn premium subscriber and do all my developing
| visual studio. I use Microsoft Office 2003. My favorite app is OneNote.
| I even use Outlook although Thunderbird is probably superior, with an
| integrated newsreader. No going to Outlook Express for that.
| dennist685
I tried Firefox for several weeks and found the only advantage over IE6 was
the tabbed browsing feature. After using that feature for a few days, I
decided it was a nicety but not really worth the effort to convert over from
IE6 permanently.

Like JoeM, I found FF to be slower and to use a bit more memory than IE6.
As Mae says, there are some nice IE6 add-ons that provide tabbed browsing.
I tried Maxthon for awhile and found that the tabbed feature was better than
FF but again, didn't find it to be that utile and it was a bit slower than
native IE6.

I have an old dog PII 300 Mhz, 98SE machine with 320 megs ram and keep it
updated regularly and use AdAware, SpyBot S&D, Spyware Blaster, ZA free and
CA myEtrust AV. I have never had a virus nor any significant spyware

IMHO, FF is overhyped by the ABM crowd and a well cared for machine with IE6
has no more security problems than FF. When I finally dump my 8 year old SE
machine for a new Vista computer, I'm looking forward to using IE7.
There's one advantage that keeps me going back time after time and that's the
Adblock extension on Firefox. There's another extension that updates the
info as to which ads to block. As a result, I rarely see any ads. at all.

Firefox also has its downsides. It's very dodgy with embedded video and
there are some plugins you simply can't get for it.

There IS a pet peeve about MS though (I'm a MS developer and love MS except
for this kind of thing) and that's with MSN Messenger, it always loads IE
when I check my hotmail from it. Frankly, I think that's wrong and it's the
kind of thing that made the uber dweebs sue MS in the first place (envy
aside). It should load the default browser (which for me is FF) and if it
gives me a problem loading the page, that's my problem. As it stands, FF has
no problems with hotmail.

Bottom line is that I like FF more than even IE7b2, but that's a matter of
preference. There's really not much difference in the anymore, which is how
MS intended it, I'm sure. Next, they'll exceed the features of FF. It's how
they work. Ask Apple, Netscape, Lotus, WordPerfect, Novell, Sony, and
Nintendo. :)
The thing that keeps me from using FF as my pref broswer is its inability to
accurately display some vital (to me) web pages. To get tabbed browsing,
I've gone to Avant broswer and I've also tried Maxthon. I don't have to
worry about either one's ability to accurately render any page from any
site. FF is cool and I do like the password-remember feature as well as
some other goodies but I'm tired of having to switch browsers to navigate
correctly on certain pages (eg banking sites). I want one broswer, one set
of bookmarks, and I don't want to have to keep track of half a dozen