Firefox, Linux & PCReview


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Ok, I need some feedback regarding how things look to you when using Firefox to read, write and view posts ... 'cos the default is hurting my eyes and it's bloody small.

The 'default' tahoma looks like Times Roman or Serif, for you who understand Fonts. The only fonts that look correct are; Verdana, Trebuchet MS, Arial, comic sans and courier ... and it looks like 8 point in size.

Verdana displays & looks correct.


The text in/on the thread/post buttons are the same ... ugly.

I have no problem with the rest of the site ... ;)

Oh, and Konqueror is no problem, except for inserting smilies. :D

I do not have a working Linux on any machine at the moment but yes you are absolutely correct when you say it looks horrible and difficult to see since I had very similar issues when I had Firefox installed. If I remember it correctly I did some search and was able to make chages within Firefox so it was acceptable. Have you played around a bit?
ah good, it's not me going compleatly gaga.

Quad, I have fiddled and farted around with FF and I can't 'fix' it ... but I have been to other vB boards and don't have a problem ... I now use Verdana to reply but Tahoma seems to be the default for things like the button fonts when replying or posting.

Well, I'll just have to get Ian to change the Forum ... :D

I'm surprised how big everything seems/is in Suse dispite a screen rez of 1280x1024, I would expected everything to look smaller. But it is easyier to see with my eyes. :thumb:
Mucks you should give Opera a try since it is gaining momentum at the moment, no harm and it is now Muckshifter friendly, no ad banner! :D

Take a look here
Err, no thanks.

The 'problem' isn't Firefox ;)

It works fine... try pressing the "Ctrl"+"+" combination... thats controll and add at the same time to enlarge the size of text
Consoles_Suck said:
It works fine... try pressing the "Ctrl"+"+" combination... thats controll and add at the same time to enlarge the size of text
I know :thumb:

But I only need to do that here. :confused:
Works on via Knoppix here? Does Consoles_Suck idea help?
Ian Cunningham said:
Works on via Knoppix here? Does Consoles_Suck idea help?
We posted at the same time Ian.

In answer ... not really ... the 'default' font does not like Firefox, or Firefox does not like the default font.

Ian, don't think I'm 'complaining' I am, err, no not ... moaning is the word. :D

I just needed to see if anybody else was haveing the same 'problem' ... I wonder if turning off WYSWG would help?
Nope ... the same font is being used in user CP

... FF is rendering this font incorrectly or this font does not comply with standards. :D
My preferences in FF has Serif as default and I bumped the size up a little.
It looks fine to me.
Are you changing your font preferences in both Firefox and the Control Panel?
I changed the size of mine in both and both are using San Serif, and it looks fine to me.
ladypcer said:
My preferences in FF has Serif as default and I bumped the size up a little.
It looks fine to me.
But the font is not correct ... there are only two types of font ... serif & sans serif ... serif is 'curly' like Times Roman and sans is straight like Arial, proper name Helvetica. ;)

and I think I know why I/we have this problem, FF does not have this font. :D

Sorry, I should say I did 2 years Art & Graphic design work using "Pagemaker" (can we get PM for Linux?) ... I was crap, but learned what a Font was & had a great eye for layout.

I wonder if we can get Tahoma.

LP, look at the dropdown list of fonts ... look at times roman and the six above it ... do they look ALL the same ... 'cos they do here.
Testing using Konqueror

Oh forget that ... every font here is exactly the same. :D


oh I give up.
Ok, Yast2 has a download called Microsoft TT Core Fonts. I installed that, and went to Control Center and System Admin - Font Installer. It shows all the installed fonts, and you can install downloaded fonts there in "admin" using ADD option. :thumb:
Yes I actually have downloaded MS TT fonts ... did not know I had to 'install' as well ... I'm getting used to that. ;)

Did you get the critical update to FF while you were there ?
ladypcer said:
Ok, Yast2 has a download called Microsoft TT Core Fonts. I installed that, and went to Control Center and System Admin - Font Installer. It shows all the installed fonts, and you can install downloaded fonts there in "admin" using ADD option. :thumb:
Nope? can't 'See' a single one ... when I press add it looks in my folders???
Ok, here's what this forum looks like to me in FF in SuSe-


It looks fine to me. :confused:

Mucks, let me check into the font problem.
Ok, I was able to change the font in Firefox by opening FF, choosing Edit- Preferences- Fonts and Colors- make sure it says Fonts for Western- then where it has "serif" open the drop down and choose your font . Change and Ok, Ok.
Firefox immediately changes it for me.

I haven't tried closing FF yet, so you may need to tick the box that says "always use my fonts" to save it across sessions.

edited for typos.. sorry :o
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