Has anyone found an alternative for using mouseimp
http://pricelessware.org/thelist/des.htm#Mouse Tool
with firefox? I love not having to use the scrollbars by using mousimp but
it doesn't work with firefox
I realise that you can use autoscroll but this still isn't as good as
mouseimp on long web pages.
Or, is there a good mouse driver that allows you to direct scroll in firefox
by right clicking and dragging?
http://pricelessware.org/thelist/des.htm#Mouse Tool
with firefox? I love not having to use the scrollbars by using mousimp but
it doesn't work with firefox
I realise that you can use autoscroll but this still isn't as good as
mouseimp on long web pages.
Or, is there a good mouse driver that allows you to direct scroll in firefox
by right clicking and dragging?