Since I use other apps for mail and usenet, I wanted to try Firebird
instead of Mozilla. Will it reduce the amount of resources needed to run a
browser? Is 0.7 fairly stable on WindowsME?
Whence cometh this silly notion that every electrical circuit must have a
ground? Speaking as a scientist, I blame electrical engineers. Science is
pure and holy. It's when engineers put science into practice that things
get messed up.
--SDSTAFF Chronos
instead of Mozilla. Will it reduce the amount of resources needed to run a
browser? Is 0.7 fairly stable on WindowsME?
Whence cometh this silly notion that every electrical circuit must have a
ground? Speaking as a scientist, I blame electrical engineers. Science is
pure and holy. It's when engineers put science into practice that things
get messed up.
--SDSTAFF Chronos