
Why can't I find a simple answer to my question?:How can you find out the
available space left on a diskette??

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Rick B

What does this have to do with the database application, Microsoft Access?
This newsgroup is for questions about building datbases in MS Access.

Rick B

jimmypoo said:
Why can't I find a simple answer to my question?:How can you find out the
available space left on a diskette??

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

John Vinson

Why can't I find a simple answer to my question?:How can you find out the
available space left on a diskette??


A couple of things here:

1. There is no webmaster. The people who answer questions on these
newsgroups are your peers and colleagues, people like me who have
their own jobs and donate time to help others on the newsgroups.
Nobody is hired or paid to answer questions here.

2. You're asking in the first newsgroup on the alphabetical list,
apparently without looking at it or realizing that it has nothing to
do with your question. Microsoft Access(TM) is a database program,
part of the Office Pro suite. If you have a question about creating
Access databases, this is the place; if you have a question about
Windows, there are other newsgroups down the list for that purpose.

3. You don't say what version of Windows you're running so the details
may be different, but for most recent versions, doubleclick on "My
Computer"; select View... Details from the menu; you'll see the name
of each disk, the space used, and the available space. Or, right
mouseclick on the icon for your diskette and view Properties.

4. I haven't seen any previous questions from you on this subject.
It's just possible that *you* made a mistake, and are now lashing out
in anger at others.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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