Fire and Thunder confusion

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michael
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Ok, I'm ready to make the jump to Firefox & Thunderbird. Sorry for so
many questions, I know the answers exits elsewhere---I was hoping to
hear some varied views.

I currently use Mozilla 1.7. Was happy with Netscape 4x for years...

I have had a always had a problem Moz crashing while composing mail in
1.6 & 1.7.

Further, I've been told that Mozila, while secure, is overly restrictive?

Ex: Managing my site via a server GUI interface is a hassle (Moz is very
stubborn when attempting to manage configs, even though I "allow"
cookies for the site, it won't process many of my inputs (when a
password is reprired). Tech support said Firefox is more forgiving---OE
as well, which I refuse to use any longer.

!!!My main concern is "morphing" settings, addresses, mail news , in
general a seamless transition from Moz to the F & T.

I hoped they shared enough that I could merge my Moz configs into F & T.
Moz did a great job with my old settings, mail...from Nesscape 4.7.

I have limited disk space on my laptop (my main access machine) and it
would be ideal if (I have "fake" Application Data folders in three
separate systems)---I could point F & T to the Moz folder(s) into each

Is that asking to much? Is there the option in the settings in
F & T so I wouldn't have to duplicate the folders that have 300 meg of
e-mail and news in Moz? Bookmarks aren't a problem..

Also, the array of extensions is mind numbing. I currently only seem to
use/need Acrobat and Leachget in Moz.

How functional will F & T be until I get around to installing the
extensions. Are they necessary---? Recent posts convey the notion that
the tail (extensions) are wagging the dog.

Also, Composer is a handy down and dirty quick editor---I also use it
save a page from the Web to insure I capture "everything"---will I miss
that in Firefox?

I currently run W2k and XP---with a soon to be installed SP2. Dangerous?

I've been sitting on F & T for weeks, (downloaded already). As I'm a
bit tight on space, I don't believe I can run both Moz and F & T. Once
I make the choice, Moz 1.7 must go.

Many answers will be based on opinions, so, go ahead, confuse me

Lead, follow or get of of the way.

I'll help you if I can.

If you don't have a solution? I don't want to hear from you.
Michael <[email protected]> had
Ok, I'm ready to make the jump to Firefox & Thunderbird. Sorry for
so many questions, I know the answers exits elsewhere---I was
hoping to hear some varied views.

I can't help you with the answers but can tell you of a group that has
great help specifically for yours.
