Finished university...

I'm almost 41 and still come out with some childish antics.

Don't grow up it will stop you being healthy
Nah....... we never really grow up. :D

No matter what age we are we still learn things.

And, sometimes do daft things.

When I left uni I thought I was a smart ass. But, in fact, I learned much more after I left than when I was there ! Education only teaches us the basics.

Life's great and after the age of 21 you don't have to be serious all the time. :thumb::cheers:
Males never grow up, fact.

Saw this somewhere the other day, gave me a wry smirk:

'If you haven't grown up by the time you're 50 then you don't have to'

Which, pour moi, is kinda reassuring ;)
The very best of luck to you PotGuy, wishing you a happy and fun future.... with a little prosperity thrown in for good measure. :D :cheers:
I've got a Double 1st & A Blue in Cricket from the University of Life.:lol:

Good luck in the "real" world PotGuy.:thumb:
My goodness, I omitted to wish Mr Potguy all the best for the future.

Well look at that, I just did :)
I left school with no qualifications,but those days (1950s)there were jobs galore no problem. I would say that I learned more out in the world than I ever did in school,and I loved school. So PotGuy I wish you all the very best for the coming weeks,months or more,in getting a job you hope for, it`s a dog eat dog out there. (or so I hear)