Finished Movie Is Choppy At Transitions!

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I really hope someone has an answer for this one- I'm on a deadline. I've
put together several clips that and stills that are super, but on a couple of
spots they just hesitate and look bad. I've downloaded that great codec
re-namer and the took care of the freeze/shutdown...but I can't get past this
Hello there,

Can I suggest you take a look at the FAQ on my web site and possibly the one
for Disk Drives.

If your problems are with the finnished movie created by pressing FILE > SAVE
MOVIE FILE then your problem is none of the simple things in the above two
FAQ's...this because the creatiion of the final movie is NOT time dependent.

Good Luck

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Just glad I don't live in Croydon, UK
(o o)
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Thanks so very much for the reply. YES- problem is with playback of the
final movie on the media player. It looks awesome when played on the
storyboard, but I've got 2 .jpgs in there and that seems to be the problem
area. Is there any hope?

Its very odd I must say. JPegs have in the past been known to cause MM to have
a fit and fail to create a movie...I dont think I have heard of them causing
your problem. I suppose its obvious, but, perhaps you should convert them to
standard bitmaps (BMP) and save again. It will be interesting to hear the
result of that

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Just glad I don't live in Croydon, UK
(o o)
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Thank you I will do interesting bit of news however. I had to meet
a deadline and handed the finished file to my boss. When he reviewed it on
his computer it played just fine. Now I'm trying to figure out what the
conflict can be.

I'll convert to .bmp files just to see how this will play out.

Thank you very much.

Thank you I will do interesting bit of news however. I had to meet
a deadline and handed the finished file to my boss. When he reviewed it on
his computer it played just fine. Now I'm trying to figure out what the
conflict can be.

Oh right....are you certain that you can re-create the same disturbance in
EXACTLY the same location no matter how many times you do it? There is a chance
the answer is no and if so we may be talking about

1) a resource issue and the rate of data per second (Not always possible to
fix, see 2) below first)

2) a very badly fragmented hard drive (Don't bother with the defragmenter
provided in XP download the evaluation vopy of perfect disk from

3) an incorrectly installed hard drive )See the FAQ on my site for hard drive
instalation DMA modes)

If the answer is a definate yes, then you have me wondering!!! I think the
first step would be to download the Media Player DirectX package (Ver 9) and
the codec package (ver 9) from Microsoft and install them..DirectX first. Make
sure you do a reboot after installing Direct x and again after installing the
codecs....then try the file might work :)
Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Just glad I don't live in Croydon, UK
(o o)
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work