This is probably really simple, but ....
We use Access 2000.
I have three tables. Client, Matter and Records. They
are related by:
Client to Matter by client#
Matter to Records by Client.Matter#
I have the client table on a form with the matter and
records in subforms.
I need to create a text box where the user can type in a
barcode# (which is contained in the Records table) and
have the correct client, matter and barcode records
appear in the form. I can't do a simple search like I do
for the client# where I change the focus to the client#
field and bring up the Find dialog box because that
search would only search through the current client and
matter and I need it to search through ALL records.
I am converting this to Access from a Paradox 3.1 app.
There we ran a query of the 'records' table to locate the
record with the barcode#. We then got the client.matter
number from the record and from that extracted the client
number. We used a UIObject (paradox object) to attach to
the field on the form to get to the right matter and
client record.
In Access, which I'm not as familiar with, I have tried
several things but am just not sure about the right way
to do this.
Any ideas would be appreciated!
We use Access 2000.
I have three tables. Client, Matter and Records. They
are related by:
Client to Matter by client#
Matter to Records by Client.Matter#
I have the client table on a form with the matter and
records in subforms.
I need to create a text box where the user can type in a
barcode# (which is contained in the Records table) and
have the correct client, matter and barcode records
appear in the form. I can't do a simple search like I do
for the client# where I change the focus to the client#
field and bring up the Find dialog box because that
search would only search through the current client and
matter and I need it to search through ALL records.
I am converting this to Access from a Paradox 3.1 app.
There we ran a query of the 'records' table to locate the
record with the barcode#. We then got the client.matter
number from the record and from that extracted the client
number. We used a UIObject (paradox object) to attach to
the field on the form to get to the right matter and
client record.
In Access, which I'm not as familiar with, I have tried
several things but am just not sure about the right way
to do this.
Any ideas would be appreciated!