I have the following subroutine
supplier1 = activesheet.range("a1").value
sub matchcriteria
if worksheets("supplier").cells.find(what:=supplier1
after:=activecell, lookin:=xlformulas, lookat:=xlpart
searchorder:=xlbyrows, searchdirection:=xlnext, matchcase := false)
true then (anothersubroutine that copies a row matching that supplier
criteria) else exit sub
The subroutine doesn't work, it won't shutdown when the criteri
(supplier 1) is not found (= false).
The searchable criteria is found in column d, it might make
difference because i am searching the whole sheet now, does anybody no
how i can write a subroutine that will do all of the above for me
I have the following subroutine
supplier1 = activesheet.range("a1").value
sub matchcriteria
if worksheets("supplier").cells.find(what:=supplier1
after:=activecell, lookin:=xlformulas, lookat:=xlpart
searchorder:=xlbyrows, searchdirection:=xlnext, matchcase := false)
true then (anothersubroutine that copies a row matching that supplier
criteria) else exit sub
The subroutine doesn't work, it won't shutdown when the criteri
(supplier 1) is not found (= false).
The searchable criteria is found in column d, it might make
difference because i am searching the whole sheet now, does anybody no
how i can write a subroutine that will do all of the above for me