Yes I have the mouse coordinates.
What I am working on is a tool, that records the steps that a user takes
through an application. The purpose is for application testing and experience
metrics. This particular module is an application recorder.
What I am trying to do is let the user press a start recording button and
then record their actions and generate script to repeat them. What I need to
be able to acheive on a mouse click is determine the current process and then
attach to it like a debugger does. Any help you can provide there would be
appreciated... I am an advanced programmer. C, C++, C#, VB. 15+ years... so I
good with advanced examples. I would prefer to be able to do this with
managed code.
From that point, other code I have created will do the recording. It
currently askes the user to specify the application and then loads and
executes it...
So I am really just trying to auto detect the application to record... which
could be the desktop.
If you ask to record the mouse events, and would like to restrict the
events to a specific application/s, you should filter the messages
that are relevant to the restricted applications. In that case, you
should *ask* in which application the event occured, meaning under
what window was the mouse at the time the event occured (otherwise, I
can't see any other binding mechanism of a mouse event and an
After getting the window handle, you can get the process ID of the
window by calling GetWindowThreadProcessId:
To be able to allow the user to select the application, you should
enumerate the running processes and save the selection's process ID:
Hope this helps.
Feel free to ask any further questions.
Cheers and good luck!