Finding Posted Message


John R

I post a new message and later search to see the date and
time of posting. Go to that date and time but my posting
is not there. What am I doing wrong?

Mike Brearley

Try searching by your display name. I see a few that appear to be from you
(hard to tell with the anonymous e-mail and no signature)

Posted 'as is'. If there are any spelling and/or grammar mistakes, they
were a direct result of my fingers and brain not being synchronized or my
lack of caffeine.

Mike Brearley (mike_brearley at hotmail dot com)

Michael Stevens

John said:
I post a new message and later search to see the date and
time of posting. Go to that date and time but my posting
is not there. What am I doing wrong?

The time you post will be different from the time it is actually stamped by
the server. Depending on your location and connection, it can take a few
minutes to hours for the post to reach the server. Do as your other reply
suggests, search by author or subject.

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
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