Finding Physical memory

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In the Start menu under "RUN", what is it that I type in there to find out
Total Physical Memory, Available Physical Memory, Total Virtual Memory etc? I
have forgotten how to find out. I thought I found out last time by typing
something in "RUN". Thanks ahead of time, Joe from Texas
(e-mail address removed),
Joe from Texas said:
In the Start menu under "RUN", what is it that I type in
there to find out Total Physical Memory, Available Physical
Memory, Total Virtual Memory etc? I have forgotten how to
find out. I thought I found out last time by typing
something in "RUN". Thanks ahead of time, Joe from Texas


It's also available under Start -> All Programs ->
Accessories -> System Tools -> System Information.

Good luck

=?Utf-8?B?Sm9lIGZyb20gVGV4YXM=?= <Joe from
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in
In the Start menu under "RUN", what is it that I type in there to find
out Total Physical Memory, Available Physical Memory, Total Virtual
Memory etc? I have forgotten how to find out. I thought I found out
last time by typing something in "RUN". Thanks ahead of time, Joe from

Press: CTRL-ALT-DEL simultaneously. select the performance tab