Finding out name of computer connected to via activesync

  • Thread starter Thread starter jd_ie
  • Start date Start date


Dear all,

I know that it is possible to get the IP address of the host computer
that my Windows CE .NET device is connected to using

IPAddress addrHost =

but I was wondering if there is any way of getting the actual network
computer name of the connected PC?

Thanks and regards,

"Network computer name"? What does that mean to you? It doesn't really
have a general meaning.

Paul T.
Sorry, I mean the "Full computer name" for example shown in Windows XP
when you go to Control Panel -> System -> Computer Name tab.

We were thinking that if we could identify the computer we were
connected to, we could be more sure that the data we upload is falling
into the right hands, so to speak.

Thanks for the reply Paul,


There isn't really a corresponding thing in Windows CE. You can get the
information found on the System Control Panel applet's Device Name tab.
It's in the registry:


You can use the registry classes in OpenNETCF to get it.

Paul T.